Monday 5 October 2009

Moving Image Prelim.

As part of our opening taks to the course, we were asked to create a moving image of no more than 15 frames in a group of our choice. We were told it was necessary to have somebody walking into a room sharing a bit of dialogue and then sitting down, the short film having to contain numerous camera angles. We thought that it would be visually interesting to create this scene in the Library as there is a lot of background happenings. unfortunately when talking to the Lirbrarian she said that it would cause mild difficulty as we would have to ask for everybody's permission to star in our moving image. Instead of re-creating our story board we shot the first half as normal and then took the later half up stairs and filmed it in the E-Learning centre. Overall I found our end product very good, as a group we were very pleased at our first attempt in making a short movie.

when our group has fully completed the editing process of our short movie I will post it onto my Blog page.


1 comment:

  1. Hannah. Your blog is not set up correctly. The address you've given your blog and the address you've placed on your settings page do not match. Therefor I cannot follow your blogs to see how you are getting one. Please fix this issue.
